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Request Informations

Protection of privacy
By filling in the form and pressing the button 'SEND' you will have given your consent to the processing of your data in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree (D.L.) No. 196 of 30.06.2003. Information pursuant to section 13 of D.L. No. 196 of 30.06.2003 - 'Personal Data Protection Act': the data you have given will be used by METALFORM ITALIA, in full compliance with all that is laid down under D.L. No. 196 of 30.06.2003 on the 'Protection of personal data', for obligations connected with the company's activity (consultation, use, precise and statistic processing) through the in-house database. You are entitled, under your own responsibility, not to provide any of the requested data, with the warning, however, that in the event of refusal it could negatively affect existing relations. Pursuant to section 13 of D.L. No. 196 of 30.06.2003, you are entitled at any time to check the data which relate to you or have such data changed or erased, by writing to info@metalformitalia.it

Metalform srl

Via A. Cavinato 12/A
35010 Z.I. Curtarolo (Padova)
R.I. C.F. e P: IVA IT 00122880289
R.E.A. di PD n. 0248414


Mail: info@metalformitalia.it
Tel +39 049 9620361
Tel +39 049 7423031
Fax +39 049 9623147

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